Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Poop Daddy"

Oh the joys of potty training. Kirbee for the most part is potty trained now. I can't believe I am saying that- it seems like she was starting to crawl- it goes so fast! We had a funny incident happen on Sunday. It was Corey and my 6 year anniversary and because Corey is the best husband in the whole world he went with me shopping after coming back from our weekend away (where I shopped some more), Corey decided to take Kirbee to one store and I took Saydee to a different, we were not there long when Corey and Kirbee came back because he said she needed to go potty. She never said anything when she got to me so I just thought she was just wanting to test out the bathroom, like we do every place we go, I continued to shop and had gone into the dressing room when I heard this voice "Alicia, can you come out here please." I went out, in the clothes I was trying on, and to my dismay I say a "poop" lying in the floor!! Kirbee had told her daddy "poop daddy," Corey thought she was saying that she needed to poop, but what she was saying was that there was poop on the floor! She had pooped in her panties and then it fell out I guess. I told Corey to hurry and take her to the potty and I would change and be there as soon as I could. When I got to the bathroom, just one in the whole store, I saw Corey standing there- door wide open, with Kirbee trying to get the poop off! What a sight and a great daddy for helping! Daddy left and mommy took over- we got it cleaned up and checked out. Of course at the counter I had to tell the lady that I thought their toilet was overflowing. I didn't mention it was our fault! I won't mention what store we were at just in case we aren't asked to come back! By the way I did clean up the poop that was on the floor before we left. What great memories!


Linsey said...

Gross and totally hilarious! I can just picture that! What did you buy?

Melody Slaton said...

That is SO FUNNY!! You've got to write that one down in the baby book.

Kasey said...

Alicia, the visual of all of that is simply the funniest thing I've "pictured" in a long time!! Oh the joys of parenthood! Happy Anniversary, by the way! My goodness.... 6 years!
