Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Busy Weekend

We had a very eventful Memorial Day Weekend. We got in a lot of family time in just a few days. I won't bore you with words but just wanted to show you some pictures and a video!
It began with a trip to the Dallas Zoo! (Those of you from DBU we saw Zach there!)

Paitently waiting to get started!

Saydee loved watching the penguins!

Kirbee cracked up when the penguins dove into the water!

After running a few more errands in town we headed to Grandmommies house to go swimming!

And then it was bath time!!

On Sunday Kirbee went to her first dance recital- she did not get to perform on stage but she did get to go up and get a perfect attendance medal for our Mommy and Me Class. I will have to put the video of her dancing on later. I tried today but I think my computer might be tired- I don't think it is working but for some reason if it shows up enjoy!

We did lots of other things too- like visit Mimi and Grandpa's donkies, went to two cookouts, rode in the wagon and of course went swimming some more. I will update with some more pictures later this week. Hope you enjoyed!


Linsey said...

Yea! I love the pictures. You should have called about the zoo!! Miss you! Oh, we got a new car! I'm a Mini-Van Mama...

Sarah said...

Hey Alicia!! I found your blog from Linsey's and I have linked to it from our blog... if you wanna see ours it's http://www.mom2nathan.blogspot.com
I am so excited you are blogging! I love the pics of your precious family and it's been great to "catch up" with what's going on in your world!
Have a great day!!
